Do Not Travel Advisory Mexico: Understanding the Situation and Staying Safe

Mexico is a famous tourist destination known for its stunning beaches, diverse culture, and delectable cuisine. However, severe levels of crime and violence have afflicted the country, particularly in specific districts. The US State Department has even issued a “Do Not Travel” advice for regions of Mexico. In this post, we’ll look at the situation in Mexico, why the recommendation was issued, and what you can do to keep safe if you decide to visit.

Understanding the Do Not Travel Advisory

The United States State Department issues travel warnings for nations and areas based on a variety of concerns such as crime, terrorism, civil instability, and natural catastrophes. The “Do Not Travel” advise is the most serious, meaning that the US government feels travellers are at high danger of assault, abduction, or other criminal activity.

Five states in Mexico are now under a “Do Not Travel” advisory: Colima, Guerrero, Michoacán, Sinaloa, and Tamaulipas. These states are all located in or near locations where drug trafficking and organized crime are prevalent. Furthermore, the advise warns travelers to take extra vigilance in numerous additional states owing to crime and abduction.

Mexico’s Predicament

Mexico has always been plagued by crime and violence, notably in the form of drug trafficking and organized crime. The situation has only become worse in recent years, with a substantial spike in killings and other violent crimes. This has exacerbated traveler worry, prompting the US State Department to issue a “Do Not Travel” advice for many states.

In addition to serious crime, visitors to Mexico may confront petty crime, frauds, and food and waterborne infections. While traveling in Mexico, it is essential to take precautions to protect yourself and stay safe.

How to Stay Safe in Mexico

If you do decide to visit Mexico, there are a few precautions you may take to lessen your chances of being a victim of crime or other safety concerns:

Investigate your destination.

Before you leave, do extensive study about your location. For the most recent travel advisories and safety information, see the US State Department’s website. Read other travelers’ reviews to learn about the local culture and traditions.

Stay in secure locations.

Avoid well-lit and bustling locations, especially late at night. Traveling alone, especially in remote locations, should be avoided. When taking public transit, use caution and consider hiring a reliable guide or driver.

Keep an eye on your surroundings.

Always be vigilant and aware of your surroundings. Keep an eye out for unusual activities and follow your instincts. If something does not feel right, it most likely is not.

Keep valuables secure.

Keep valuables, such as passports and other critical documents, in a safe place, such as a hotel safe. Carry small quantities of cash and avoid wearing pricey jewellery.

Obey local laws and traditions.

Respect local laws and customs, and keep cultural differences in mind. Dress appropriately and prevent potentially impolite or insulting behavior.

Maintain your health.

Take precautions to keep healthy when visiting Mexico. Avoid ice and tap water and only drink bottled or purified water. When eating street food, use caution and avoid eating raw or under cooked food. To avoid mosquito-borne diseases such as Zika and dengue fever, use insect repellent.


Mexico is a lovely and dynamic nation, but it is critical to recognize the hazards associated with visiting. The US State Department’s “Do Not Travel” advise for some areas of Mexico is a severe warning, and travelers should heed it. However, with appropriate preparation and prudence, it is possible to be safe while enjoying everything Mexico has to offer.


Is it secure to visit Mexico?

Traveling to Mexico may be risk-free if you recognize the hazards and take measures. The US State Department has issued a “Do Not Travel” recommendation for some areas of Mexico, so do your homework and remain in safe places.

What are Mexico’s most hazardous states?

The most dangerous states in Mexico, according to the US State Department, are Colima, Guerrero, Michoacán, Sinaloa, and Tamaulipas. These states are all located in or near locations where drug trafficking and organized crime are prevalent.

How can I keep myself safe in Mexico?

To avoid crime in Mexico, do your study, stay in safe locations, be alert of your surroundings, keep valuables secure, observe local laws and customs, and remain healthy.

What should I do if I come into a potentially risky scenario in Mexico?

If you find yourself in a perilous position in Mexico, attempt to get out of it as fast and securely as possible. If required, contact the local authorities and your embassy or consulate for help. Before traveling to Mexico, it is critical to have a plan in place, including understanding how to contact emergency services and your embassy or consulate.

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