What is the total number of countries to which Indian nationals can travel visa-free or with a visa-on-arrival?

Citizens of India can visit 33 countries without a visa or with a visa-on-arrival. This implies that Indian passport holders do not need to seek a visa before visiting these countries and can obtain one upon arrival at the destination airport or border crossing.

  1. Bhutan
  2. Cambodia
  3. Cape Verde
  4. Comoros
  5. Dominica
  6. Ecuador
  7. El Salvador
  8. Fiji
  9. Grenada
  10. Haiti
  11. Indonesia
  12. Jamaica
  13. Laos
  14. Madagascar
  15. Maldives
  16. Mauritius
  17. Micronesia
  18. Nepal
  19. Niue
  20. Palau
  21. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  22. Saint Lucia
  23. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  24. Samoa
  25. Senegal
  26. Seychelles
  27. Somali land
  28. Sri Lanka
  29. Tanzania
  30. Timor-Leste
  31. Togo
  32. Trinidad and Tobago
  33. Vanuatu

It is important to remember that visa requirements and rules are subject to change at any time, so it is always a good idea to check with the necessary authorities before visiting. Furthermore, some of these nations may have additional entrance requirements, such as documentation of onward travel or a time limit for stay.

The good news for Indian tourists who desire to travel the world is that the number of visa-free or visa-on-arrival locations is steadily expanding. Many countries, including Japan, South Korea, and the UAE, have established visa-free or visa-on-arrival policies for Indian nationals in recent years, making travel more accessible and easy. Yet, it is critical for Indian tourists to thoroughly examine visa requirements and entrance procedures prior to departure to guarantee a smooth and trouble-free voyage.

The expanding number of visa-free and visa-on-arrival destinations demonstrates India’s growing economic and political power on the world arena. Countries throughout the world are realizing the need of easing travel for Indian people as more Indians go overseas for tourism, education, and business. In addition to promoting tourism and business, such policies encourage people-to-people encounters and cultural understanding, which aid in the construction of bridges between nations and the promotion of peace and cooperation.

For Indian nationals planning to travel overseas, it is critical to plan ahead of time and thoroughly investigate visa requirements and entrance laws. While the number of visa-free and visa-on-arrival destinations is expanding, many countries still need a visa for Indian nationals, and the procedure can be complicated and time-consuming at times. Indian visitors may ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey and make the most of their worldwide travels by taking the time to know the visa requirements and entrance laws of their target countries.

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